Our top tip for marketing.

Marketing can be complex. However we believe one single word can change your approach and help improve your marketing


Yes, just one word can make a difference to your marketing.

Why? Because there are so many ‘temptations’ and ‘distractions’ for marketers.

  • So much choice
  • So many ‘big ideas’
  • So many brands competing for consumers’ attention.

It’s not that choice, ‘big ideas’ or competition are bad things. They’re not.

But we do believe that marketers need to take more time out, step back and get back to basics.

That marketers need to simplify.

To focus on those things that will have the biggest impact in achieving their goals. To cut through the clutter, ditch any marketing ‘baggage’ and focus on what marketing is all about - and what marketers may be in danger of losing sight of - the customer.

The best marketers will ‘simplify’ and:

  • Focus on how their product or service adds value to customers' lives
  • Understand (and communicate) what’s different or unique about the product or services they offer
  • Find the best way to talk to people who are, or are likely to be, the most interested in their brand.

Any ‘distractions’, ‘temptations’ and ‘opportunities’ can easily be measured against these three criteria and taken up if they fit the bill (or ignored if they don’t).

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